Peter cast his mind back to the moment that Carol opened her bedroom door, leapt out of it and threw her arms around Peter. Before he knew it she’d planted her lips on his and as soon as he was able, said “Hi Carol.” as he gasped for breath.
Peter was unimpressed until she brought it a little closer and he realised that the pattern is a myriad of human skulls. “That’s pretty cool… for a dress.” he said.
“Yeah.” she replied as she held it against herself before putting it back on the rail. “So, what else did you get?” she asked. “…for Christmas.” she specified.
“My road bike.” he said, although he knew he’d previously told her about that.
“…and those gorgeous shoes.” she added.
“Yeah those too.” Peter replied, blushing a little. He listed books, CDs, DVDs, socks, gloves, a jumper, a scarf… the usual. He didn’t mention the new underwear or thick woolly tights though.
Carol sat herself beside him again and cast her eyes around her room. “You know when we video chatted the other day?” she said.
“Yeah.” Peter replied.
“Was you in your room?” she asked.
“I thought so.” she said before adding. “You’ve got a dressing table.”
Peter hung his head a little. “Yeah.”
“Do you use it?” she asked. “…I mean… for make-up and stuff?”